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The waiting game at Base Camp

The plane the group is wait­ing for at base camp. (from pre­vi­ous MM expedition)

Willie called from Vin­son. They whole team is in base camp and play­ing the wait­ing game. They arrived yes­ter­day and are hop­ing to be able to fly to Patri­ot Hills tomor­row. It is cloudy and the weath­er is vari­able right now. They had a long, hard day get­ting back to base camp with tem­per­a­tures that start­ed very cold, fluc­tu­at­ing to very hot, and then quite cold again. Willie said that due to an inver­sion sys­tem, temps were worse down low and it was the cold­est he’s ever been. The Vin­son climb­ing sea­son is offi­cial­ly over now and the moun­tain is closed. Our team is at the mer­cy of the weath­er and hop­ing to get back to Patri­ot Hills in time to make their ten­ta­tive­ly sched­uled return to Pun­ta Are­nas on Jan­u­ary 23rd. They are eat­ing ham­burg­ers, rest­ing and every­one is in good spir­its. Just wait­ing for now. Will call again to update later.