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Mountain Madness Climber

Putting the Multi” in Multi-Sport

MM’s Jaime Pol­litte checks in as the first Mex­i­co Mul­ti-Sport Adven­ture comes to a close. What a great way to dis­cov­er Mexico!

Today the group would begin the day of their mul­ti-sport adven­ture with a mix of activ­i­ties. After a large buf­fet break­fast that includ­ed hand­made tor­tillas, fresh juices and plen­ty of trop­i­cal fruits, the group head­ed to the Rio Pesca­do for their safe­ty brief­ing. The guides Dora, Juan, Rook­ie” and the trip pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Laban, out­fit­ted every­one with equip­ment and went over riv­er safe­ty protocols. 

Raft­ing on Rio Pesca­do. Jaime Pol­litte photo

The riv­er descend­ed into a beau­ti­ful lime­stone canyon tat­tered with bromeli­ads and oth­er trop­i­cal veg­e­ta­tion. The run pro­vid­ed 15 kilo­me­ters of excit­ing rapids and fin­ished back at Aldea Rodav­en­to, our resort and buf­fet lunch.

Fun on the rapids! Jaime Pol­litte photo

After lunch we were pro­vid­ed with a brief sies­ta before head­ing out on our sec­ond activ­i­ty of the day which would be a rap­pel. For many this was their first expe­ri­ence with rap­pel­ing. Arriv­ing at the sight many were filled with antic­i­pa­tion as they got their first pre­view of the 200ft cliff. 

Prep­ping for the rap­pel. Jaime Pol­litte photo

Once done with the rap­pel­ing, the group was pre­sent­ed with a sur­prise. Instead of tak­ing the trail back down to the vehi­cle, we would descend by zip line! This capped an adven­tur­ous day and the group was ecsta­t­ic as they head­ed back to the resort for yet anoth­er great meal!

Jaime Pol­litte photo

On the fourth day of the mul­ti sport adven­ture, the group embarked on a moun­tain bike ride around the foothills of Jacul­mo­co. The ride began on grav­el roads which abrupt­ly turned to rus­tic two-track filled with lose dirt and cob­bles. Through­out the ride we passed through tiny pueb­los and pre­cip­i­tous agri­cul­tur­al land. 

Jaime Pol­litte photo

The group was left amazed that deliv­ery trucks were able to access these tiny vil­lages because, by most def­i­n­i­tions, these roads would be con­sid­ered trails. The group end­ed the 20 kilo­me­ter ride with a 20 minute uphill ascent fol­lowed by a lengthy down­hill back down to the main road. We con­tin­ued on the road straight into Jacul­mo­co and the group was reward­ed with a well deserved ice cream in town.

The team. Jaime Pol­litte photo

The sec­ond half of the day was sched­uled for our rock climb­ing sec­tion of the trip. The climb­ing area which was named Cer­ro de Bru­jo” which loose­ly trans­lat­ed means Moun­tain of the Wiz­ard” was the des­ti­na­tion for the after­noon. The climb­ing area is main­tained by it’s own local leg­end or Bru­jo” named Soda who actu­al­ly lives on the cliff 40 feet off the ground in a self-made nest. The sto­ry of Soda” is remark­able, strange and one that you would have to see to believe. The group climbed until dusk and rel­ished on the full body work out day they had back at the Adea Rodav­en­to lodge around the bar.

Canyoneer­ing! Jaime Pol­litte photo

The final mul­ti­sport activ­i­ty was canyoneer­ing. The Jacul­mo­co region is abun­dant in lime­stone and riv­er beds are sculpt­ed by sea­son­al runoff and flash flood­ing dur­ing the rainy sea­son. Our des­ti­na­tion canyon was a mar­velous­ly carved riv­er drainage cre­at­ing con­sist­ing of lime­stone slides and spec­tac­u­lar pools. The group jumped, slid, swam and sim­ply enjoyed the majes­tic pools of the canyon. 

Float­ing in the riv­er drainage. Jaime Pol­litte photo

Sad to be head­ing home so soon, but we will all be tak­ing home great mem­o­ries of the many types of adven­tures we had on this trip. Thanks to everyone!

~ MM Pro­gram Direc­tor Jaime Pollitte