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Peru with Mountain Madness

Bolivia Mountaineering School Preparing for Summits

This week­end, the Bolivia Moun­taineer­ing School moved from spec­tac­u­lar sight­see­ing of La Paz, Lake Tit­i­ca­ca, Copaca­bana and Isla Del Sol to the beau­ti­ful glaciat­ed peaks of the Cordillera Real. 

(Pho­tos from Bolivia Moun­taineer­ing School trip ear­li­er this season)

Copaca­bana. Jim Guil­ford photo

The group enjoyed a local dish of grilled lla­ma to cel­e­brate the mar­riage of two of the climbers on the trip, Sta­cie Nicole Lyons and Evan Sim­mons. Con­grat­u­la­tions to the new­ly­weds and good luck to them as they begin their next jour­ney togeth­er with a hon­ey­moon on Bolivi­a’s moun­tains! Sta­cy Nicole would also like to wish a very Hap­py Belat­ed Birth­day to her father Wal­ter from Bolivia!

Sat­ur­day found our climbers cross­ing Lake Tit­i­ca­ca to trek across Isla Del Sol explor­ing the Inca ruins. They enjoyed a won­der­ful, clas­sic lunch of sweet pota­toes, gigan­tic fava beans and corn, and some local fish from the lake. The entire day brought them spec­tac­u­lar views of Huay­na Poto­sì and Illi­mani, the group’s future objectives.

Con­doriri Base Camp. Jim Guil­ford photo

Today Ian called in to report from Con­doriri Base Camp. They are con­tin­u­ing to have a won­der­ful time. Tony Lom­bar­do and Jay Mar­tin climbed Pico de Aus­tria while the rest of the group went to the glac­i­er to work on glac­i­er trav­el skills. Today they will con­tin­ue the train­ing and cov­er crevasse res­cue sys­tems. Tomor­row the group will make an attempt of the sum­mits of Tar­i­ja and Pequeño Alpa­mayo. The weath­er is beau­ti­ful, though a bit cold and windy. The cook staff has been keep­ing them well fed at 15,000 feet and every­one is healthy and hap­py. More to come!

Pequeño Alpa­mayo. Jim Guil­ford photo