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Peru with Mountain Madness

Kathmandu City Tour

After hav­ing sur­vived sev­er­al days of rid­ing back seat on motor­cy­cles run­ning errands in prepa­ra­tion for our expe­di­tion, I wel­come the rel­a­tive safe­ty of the tourist mini-bus we take on city tours. Our Mera Peak group is now all togeth­er and ready to immerse our­selves in the adventure. 

Today we man­aged to nav­i­gate the tan­gled web of human­i­ty of this more than 4 mil­lion peo­ple city and vis­it sev­er­al impor­tant Bud­dhist and Hin­du sites, evade the mon­key patrols, and enjoy some fine dining.

Hin­du holy men and women or posers? Answer: posers, but 75 cents gets you some great photos

Col­or­ful ver­mmil­ion pow­ders used in used in dashain, the biggest Hin­du fes­ti­val of the year.

Moun­tain Mad­ness Ever­est guide Lap­kha Sher­pa drop­ping me off at the hotel after a hair-rais­ing night ride

Motor­cy­cle madness!

Hin­du tem­ples in Dur­bar Square

Rush hour is non-exis­tent here; its jammed packed at all hours

Boud­ha Bud­dhist temple

The team; l‑r- Mark S, Mark G., Jeff, Doug, and Michael

Mon­keys at the mon­key tem­ple” stand­ing ready

Fine din­ing at the Gar­den of Dreams

Gar­den of Dreams

Every­thing is brand­ed with Ever­est this or Ever­est that here, we’ve found this to be our favorite so far…