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17 SA1215 ACNR Ramiro Garrido IMG 20171228 071014

Aconcagua Trip Dispatch

We’re hap­py to report that we’ve heard great things from our team on Aconcagua! Guide Ale­jo Laz­za­ti and clients Shawn Daw­son and John O’Beirne called from Plaza de Mulas to say that they’re hav­ing a won­der­ful expe­ri­ence on South America’s high­est peak. After some ques­tions about inclement weath­er, they’re hop­ing that the clear skies hold for their push to Camp Cana­da (also known as Camp 1).

It’s an espe­cial­ly excit­ing trip for Shawn Daw­son, who is climb­ing the Sev­en Sum­mits to raise mon­ey and aware­ness for char­i­ty. Being Cana­di­an, he’s hop­ing to start the sum­mit push on Box­ing Day!